Quadra Island Dining
There is a wide range of dining options here on Quadra. Many of the restaurants on Quadra will feature local food items, such as locally caught fish, while others may come with that small island charm that you can only get here on Quadra. Here are some restaurants you may consider while here.
- Tsa-Kwa-Luten Lodge – capemudgeresort.bc.ca/menu-hama-elas.php
- Herons Restaurant – www.heriotbayinn.com/seaside_dining_heron_restaurant.html
- Heriot Bay Inn PubĀ – www.heriotbayinn.com/seaside_dining_pub_live_music.html
- Gowlland Harbour Resort – www.gowllandharbour.com
- Cafe Aroma – www.facebook.com/cafearomaquadra
- Kameleon Food & Drink – www.facebook.com/KameleonFoodandDrink
- The Clove – www.facebook.com/pg/TheCloveInTheCove/about/
- Coveside Seafood Eatery – www.facebook.com/covesideseafood/
- Terry’s Take-Out – www.facebook.com/teresastakeout/
- The trout and trivet – www.facebook.com/troutandtrivet/
- Smoked Campfire Grill – www.facebook.com/Smoked-Campfire-Grill-215398629043986/